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Bigger Mobs

Does having a Mob Larger than  (5 X level)  helps in any way or its just a waste to have larger Mobs in thousands? i.e. for level 100 will there be any benefit of having Mob of 1000 or it will be same if i have mob of 500? 

Best Answer

The restriction per level is only applicable on Recruit wall. You can use the old method of sharing your code on player walls to recruit more members than your level. 

2 people have this question

Boss Gang players have a different metrics, their level are not same as that of the players. 

Not just boss gangs, but but in the game in general. I can fight a lvl 200 and me being 220 and they bring 1800 armor to the fight and I can only strap up a max of 1700 weapons (top teir). Also yes in boss wars, as i mentioned previously with the Armenian Armada.

Armenian Armada - Are you referring to the Boss Gangs? 

Back to mannys question about the amount of mob members used. I'm having a hard time with that as well, because I'm constantly adding more armor, but still get beat. When I look at some accounts I've lost to they are most definitely able to strap up way more arsenal then me and they are same level, and I have more mercs. The level 20 Armenian armada has lvl 100 accounts with 12 mercs, but can equip 4,000 weapons and armors. How is that possible?
Thanks again

The restriction per level is only applicable on Recruit wall. You can use the old method of sharing your code on player walls to recruit more members than your level. 

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Thanks Tom. Also, I can't add mob I'm maxed at about 380. How do people even lower level have thousands.

The level of the Mob Member will not impact the Gameplay. 

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Does the level of a mob member matter? Will having a lvl 300 make you stronger than a level 1 for instance?
Ok thank u.
If your the same level u bring the same amount of mobs to the fight, if they keep beating you they've either got better weapons (including one time power ups), they've stacked their skill points to defence (or attack if they're attacking you), they're bringing more mercs to the fight, or their training is all 100% an urs aint. When the fight result comes up click the more info button it might give you a better understanding

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Then why when i fight someone same level or even lower keeps Beating me, when i have 300 moB n he has 1240. Just woundering

There is no difference.

The ones you can use are the only ones that matter, the rest are just for show.

//Formidable - DeathWish MGS

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